Вот совсем недавно вышло крупное обновление дизайна форума версии 3.3, и вот представленный список изменений:
3.3.1 (вышло сегодня)
— Улучшения цвета даты, ссылки формата #xxxx и админских ссылок
Остальное переводить лень, но доступно на англ:
— In One layout fix that I forgotten
— Introducing: the «online» function! Now under the name of reply author displays user online status. Feature is still in beta version, so if you find a bug, please contact me on admin@dk4000.com!
— Header of the replies now combined with the reply content within the div class — so now the size of the header has become dynamic
— When you click on reply permalink (#xxxx) now opens a window where you can paste the reply permalink to the clipboard or something
— Very soon you will see our new icons, and we have already made blanks for them
— In the options page added checkbox to hide my copyright in the footer
— Improved functional of the lines «moderator» and «administrator» at the top of the answer.
— 3px blue border-top if user is admin and 2px blue border if user is moderater are added
— Updated all screenshots
— Many minor fixes and improvements